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The Travel Club
085 – 016 36 49
Autorondreis Grand Eurotour
Ab 1.590 €

Autorondreis Grand Eurotour

Erstellt: Montag, 12. Februar 2024 - Abreise: Samstag, 7. September 2024
Ref ID: 1221306
Gesamtpreis Ab 3.180 €
Erstellt: Montag, 12. Februar 2024 - Abreise: Samstag, 7. September 2024
Ziele: Colmar, Zürich, Como, Montecatini, Siena, Genua, Sainte-Maxime, Montpellier, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Toledo, Cordoba, Sevilla, Lissabon, Porto, Santiago de Compostela, Santander, Biarritz, La Rochelle, Blois


Ihr Tagesablauf

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07 Sept.
Autofahrt von 638 Kilometer - 7h 3min
07 Sept.
1. Colmar
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Über das Reiseziel: Experience the Enchanting Beauty of Colmar, France Tucked away in the northeastern region of France, lies the enchanting town of Colmar. This charming locale is rich in history, culture, and scenic beauty, making it a must-visit destination for travelers from around the world. Colmar is like a scene straight out of a fairy tale. Its well-preserved old town is filled with half-timbered medieval and early Renaissance buildings, adorned with geraniums in the summer, and twinkling lights in the winter. The town's quaint cobblestone streets lead you on a journey through centuries, as you explore the unique blend of French and German architectural styles, a testament to its historical position on the border of both nations. The town is often referred to as the "Capital of Alsatian Wine", owing to its location in the heart of Alsace's vineyards. Wine enthusiasts can embark on a tasting adventure, savoring the region's famous white wines. A visit to the "Route des Vins d'Alsace" (Alsace Wine Route) is a must for anyone looking to experience some of the best wines this region has to offer. Cultural aficionados will be delighted by the Unterlinden Museum, home to a rich collection of medieval and Renaissance masterpieces, including the famous Isenheim Altarpiece. The Bartholdi Museum, dedicated to the French sculptor who designed the Statue of Liberty, offers an insight into the artist's life and work. The town's iconic landmark, Little Venice, is a picturesque district with narrow winding canals, where you can enjoy a leisurely boat ride, offering a unique perspective of the town's beautiful houses and their colorful facades. Food lovers will revel in the local gastronomy. Traditional Alsatian cuisine is a delightful blend of German hearty meals and French finesse. Don't leave without trying a traditional "tarte flambée", a local version of pizza, or "choucroute", a hearty dish of sauerkraut and various meats. Throughout the year, Colmar hosts various festivals and events, from the famous Christmas market, which transforms the town into a winter wonderland, to the annual Wine Fair, and the colorful spring and summer festivals, offering a lively atmosphere and a chance to experience local traditions. Colmar, with its rich history, vibrant culture, delectable cuisine, and picturesque landscapes, offers a captivating journey for every traveler. It's not just a destination, but an experience that leaves you with unforgettable memories. Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, a wine connoisseur, or simply a lover of beautiful places, Colmar, France is a destination that should not be missed.
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09 Sept.
Autofahrt von 158 Kilometer - 2h 5min
09 Sept.
2. Zürich
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Über das Reiseziel: Die Stadt Zürich ist mit 402'762 Einwohnern (Stand 31. Dezember 2016)[6] mit Abstand die grösste Stadt der Schweiz und weist eine Bevölkerungsdichte von 4384 Einwohnern pro Quadratkilometer auf. Die Stadt Zürich gibt die Wohnbevölkerung nach dem wirtschaftlichen Wohnsitzbegriff (umfasst unter anderem auch Wochenaufenthalter, Asylsuchende, Flüchtlinge mit vorläufiger Aufnahme) mit 423'478 Personen per November 2017 an.[7] Mit 32,1 Prozent (31. Dezember 2016)[8] weist Zürich einen überdurchschnittlich hohen Ausländeranteil (registrierte Bevölkerung ohne Schweizer Bürgerrecht) auf. Das Umland ist dicht besiedelt, so dass in der Agglomeration Zürich etwa 1,3 Millionen[9] und in der Metropolitanregion Zürich etwa 1,83 Millionen Menschen leben.[10] Der Bezirk Zürich ist mit dem Stadtgebiet identisch. Die Stadt liegt im östlichen Schweizer Mittelland, an der Limmat am Ausfluss des Zürichsees. Ihre Einwohner werden Zürcher genannt (bzw. Stadtzürcher zur Differenzierung mit den übrigen Einwohnern des Kantons). Das aus dem römischen Stützpunkt Turicum entstandene Zürich wurde 1262 freie Reichsstadt und 1351 Mitglied der Eidgenossenschaft. Die Stadt des Reformators Huldrych Zwingli erlebte im Industriezeitalter ihren Aufstieg zur heutigen Wirtschaftsmetropole der Schweiz. 2014 wurde Zürich der Ehrentitel „Reformationsstadt Europas“ durch die Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa verliehen. Mit ihrem Hauptbahnhof, dem grössten Bahnhof der Schweiz, und dem Flughafen ist die Stadt Zürich ein kontinentaler Verkehrsknotenpunkt. Dank der ansässigen Grossbanken (u. a. UBS und Credit Suisse) und Versicherungen (Zurich Insurance Group und Swiss Re) ist sie ein internationaler Finanzplatz und der grösste Finanzplatz der Schweiz, gefolgt von Genf und Lugano. Daneben beherbergt die Stadt mit der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich und der Universität Zürich die zwei grössten universitären Hochschulen der Schweiz. Trotz der vergleichsweise geringen Einwohnerzahl wird Zürich daher zu den Weltstädten gezählt. Überdurchschnittlich viele Medienunternehmen haben hier ihren Sitz. Mit seiner Lage am Zürichsee, seiner gut erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Altstadt und einem vielseitigen Kulturangebot und Nachtleben ist es zudem ein Zentrum des Tourismus.
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09 Sept.
1 Nacht
10 Sept.
Autofahrt von 250 Kilometer - 3h 28min
10 Sept.
3. Como
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Über das Reiseziel: Como is a city and comune in Lombardy, Italy. It is the administrative capital of the Province of Como. MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS • Volta Lighthouse. Boasting some of the best views on the lake, this very high building will allow you to look down on the lake some 2000 feet below. • Cathedral. • Tempio Voltiano. A nice stop on your stroll along the waterfront, the temple to Volta is designed in neoclassical style • War Memorial. • City Walls. The ruins of the 12th century city walls, which encircle the narrow, winding streets of the old town. • Isola Comacina. A small island with ruins of several byzantine churches.
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10 Sept.
2 Nächte
12 Sept.
Autofahrt von 358 Kilometer - 4h 6min
12 Sept.
4. Montecatini
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Über das Reiseziel: Montecatini Terme ist ein italienischer Bezirk in der Provinz Pistoia in der Toskana. Das wichtigste Zentrum in Valdinievole. Die Stadt liegt am östlichen Ende von Piana di Lucca. Montecatini Terme ist eine wunderschöne Stadt, die um ihre Mineralwasserquellen herum gebaut wurde. Das berühmteste Spa der Stadt ist das Tettuccio Terme, das sich an der Hauptstraße von Montecatini Terme - Viale Verdi neben dem Park befindet, in der gleichen Straße befindet sich das Gemeindegebäude und das Touristeninformationszentrum. Die ersten drei Thermen, die gebaut wurden, waren das Tettuccio, das Regina und das Leopoldine. Diese drei Thermalbäder machten Montecatini Terme in ganz Europa berühmt und zu einem beliebten Ort für die Reichen und Könige.
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12 Sept.
1 Nacht
13 Sept.
Autofahrt von 118 Kilometer - 1h 34min
13 Sept.
5. Siena
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Über das Reiseziel: Siena is a city in Tuscany, Italy. It is the capital of the province of Siena. MAIN TOURIST ATTRACTIONS • The Piazza del Campo, the unique shell shaped piazza at the centre of the city, and twice a year the racetrack for the Palio • The Palazzo Pubblico, Siena's City Hall for almost 800 years, contains the famous frescos on good and bad government by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, frescoes by Simone Martini and Duccio, and access to the Torre del Mangia, from whose top you can view a beautiful panorama of the Sienese countryside. • The Duomo, Siena's magnificent black and white Italian Romanesque cathedral including the Libreria Piccolomini, Baptistery and an attached Museo dell'Opera del Duomo which includes the famous Maestà by Duccio. • The Pinacoteca, full of Sienese painting from the city's Medieval heyday. • The Palazzo Salimbeni, built in 1472, is the world headquarters of Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the major banking corporation which has a hand in much of the economic and cultural life of the city. • The house where St. Catherine of Siena was born is just a few blocks from the duomo. • The Piccolomini Palace built in 1459 by the well-known architect Bernardo Rossellino, disciple of Leon Battista Alberti. The Piccolomini Palace is one of the most popular sites on the Piazza del Campo. The Florentine style palace is home to the official archives of Siena.
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13 Sept.
2 Nächte
15 Sept.
Autofahrt von 293 Kilometer - 3h 29min
15 Sept.
6. Genua
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Über das Reiseziel: Genua ist eine Stadt der Kontraste: Es ist eine Stadt der Kunst und eine Industriestadt. Es hat gläserne Wolkenkratzer und mittelalterliche Türme, Einkaufszentren und unberührte historische Stätten. Genua ist einer der wichtigsten Häfen Italiens, der heute das größte Aquarium Europas und das größte Museum für maritime Geschichte des Mittelmeers beherbergt. Bei einem Spaziergang durch die engen und verwinkelten Gassen, die als Caruggi bekannt sind, entdecken die Besucher architektonische Juwelen, einige ausgezeichnete Museen und Kunstgalerien. Porta Soprana, das berühmteste Tor der alten Stadtmauer von Genua, weicht der Piazza de Ferrari mit ihrem Palazzo dei Dogi und dem Opernhaus. Entlang der Strade Nuove, einer wunderschönen Straße, die zum Weltkulturerbe gehört, befinden sich die Palazzi dei Rolli, eine Liste von Adelshäusern, die an die kaiserliche Vergangenheit der Stadt erinnern. Genua ist eine schwer fassbare und reservierte Stadt, die Sie zu großartigen Bars bringt, ihre Küche teilt und Ihnen einen Vorgeschmack auf die Kultur gibt, aber zuerst müssen Sie sich selbst kennenlernen.
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16 Sept.
Autofahrt von 294 Kilometer - 3h 39min
16 Sept.
7. Sainte-Maxime
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Über das Reiseziel: Sainte-Maxime ist eine Stadt und Gemeinde in der Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur im Var, im Bezirk Draguignan und im Kanton Grimaud.
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18 Sept.
Autofahrt von 273 Kilometer - 3h 17min
18 Sept.
8. Montpellier
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Über das Reiseziel: The capital of Languedoc-Roussillon, a few kilometres from the sea, surprises visitors with its dynamism. Bathed in soft Mediterranean light, its old neighbourhoods and its magnificent gardens invite you to wander through its elegant boulevards. In full demographic expansion, the city, which celebrates its ancestral vocation for medicine and research, has transformed into a cosmopolitan metropolis with a big city buzz. Between Place de la Comédie and the Arc de Triomphe du Peyrou, we find Montpellier old quarter. Ecusson, the historic centre, retains its winding and narrow medieval lanes and shady backstreets. Along these streets magnificent palaces, with its beautiful stairs and courtyards, stand gracefully. The cathedral of Saint-Pierre is one of the city’s icons, not to be missed is the impressive canopy porch supported by two monumental cylindrical pillars. Montpellier blends old world charm with a modern and vibrant nightlife. Its theatres, stylish bars and its opera cheer up the evenings creating a lively atmosphere. The newest area of the city is called the place de la Comde, here you can find excellent restaurants, cafes and shops.
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19 Sept.
Autofahrt von 349 Kilometer - 4h 5min
19 Sept.
9. Barcelona
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Über das Reiseziel: Barcelona is a city on the coast of northeastern Spain. It is the capital and largest city of the autonomous community of Catalonia, as well as the second most populous municipality of Spain. With a population of 1.6 million within city limits,[7] its urban area extends to numerous neighbouring municipalities within the Province of Barcelona and is home to around 4.8 million people, making it the fifth most populous urban area in the European Union after Paris, the Ruhr area, Madrid, and Milan. It is one of the largest metropolises on the Mediterranean Sea, located on the coast between the mouths of the rivers Llobregat and Besòs, and bounded to the west by the Serra de Collserola mountain range, the tallest peak of which is 512 metres (1,680 feet) high.
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21 Sept.
Autofahrt von 313 Kilometer - 3h 22min
21 Sept.
10. Zaragoza
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Über das Reiseziel: Zaragoza is the culminant point in the valley of Ebro, Spain's most water-bearing river, and it is strategically located between Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Valencia and Toulouse. Zaragoza is one of the great monumental towns in Spain. It was founded some 2000 years ago, and Old-Iberians, Romans, Goths and Muslims equally left their heritage. Today the town is economically very active, and organizes several important international fairs and has a vibrant music scene. The main temple in Zaragoza is the Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar. It has 11 domes and they defines the skyline of the city with brightly coloured tiles. It is the second centre of pilgrimage in Spain after the Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. In its interior the wall-paintings in the cupola, works of Goya and Bayeau, are of particular interest. In the church’s museum you can see a large collection mainly of religious art. The view of the Cathedral of Zaragoza along the river is one of the best postcards of the city. And at night, it is even more beautiful. A perfect setting for a walk or for a romantic date. The Palacio de la Aljaferia, an 11th century splendid king's palace with intricate decorations including ceilings of gold, is one of the very few remaining Moorish buildings in the city. Zaragoza is a dynamic and modern town with a unique food and bar culture. The city is a real architectural treasure and a growing young population guarantees a busy night life.
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22 Sept.
Autofahrt von 385 Kilometer - 3h 58min
22 Sept.
11. Toledo
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Über das Reiseziel: Toledo flourished in the medieval era during the peaceful coexistence of Christians, Muslims and Jews. This fact has left behind a dignified and slightly mystical walled city. Toledo’s monuments crowd together in a dizzying anarchy of periods and styles, held together in a medieval matrix of sagging houses, churches, synagogues, and mosques. The city that El Greco portrayed in a few of his rare landscapes has changed little over the years. Surrounded by Rio Tajo, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site and is one of Spain’s most visited cities. Artifacts of Christian, Muslim and Jewish origin continue to complement one another in this city, often within the same building. The cathedral is a complex banquet of architectural and artistic styles. Two synagogues, Sinagoga del Tránsito and Sinagoga de Santa Maria la Blanca, and a museum, the Museo Sefardi, are all that remain of what was once the largest Jewish community in Spain. Reminders of the Muslim presence are visible near the Puerta del Sol a 14th century Mudéjar gate and the 10th century mosque, Mezquita del Cristo de la Luz. The legends and traditions of Toledo seem to come alive at sunset. Visitors can explore the city’s mysterious medieval atmosphere walking through its narrow streets in one of the many night tours organized throughout the city. It is a fascinating experience that will transport travellers to another era.
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23 Sept.
Autofahrt von 344 Kilometer - 3h 37min
23 Sept.
12. Cordoba
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Über das Reiseziel: Perhaps nowhere else does Spain’s diverse heritage present itself so tangibly to the visitors as in Cordoba. The Roman Bridge, and scattered pillars and ramparts testify to the city’s importance in Roman times. The Arab occupation brought about its greatest prosperity and for a time Cordoba, with is vast library, was the largest city in the world. Cordoba captures the essence of Andalusia today: White-washed houses along narrow streets hide serene patios, and the strains of cante jondo, a vocal style in flamenco, still resound from time to time. Most sights and monuments are clustered in the Juderia, a maze of narrow winding streets that was once the city’s Jewish quarter. This area lies between the Plaza de las Tendillas, Cordoba’s main square, and the River Guadalquivir. Here visitors will find the city’s symbol, The Mezquita, Great Mosque, which is a mystic wonder; an airy forest of 850 marble, alabaster and stone pillars supports the 425 striped double-decker arches. From the tower visitors can clearly see how the 13th century conversion into a cathedral resulted in an incongruous juxtaposition of styles. Mischievous The Jewish quarter is great for tapas and bar-hopping, while you are at it, try a light, dry fino or a sweet Pedro Ximenez, the most famous local wines. Córdoba has plenty reasons for visiting it. This city invites you to dream: just wander through its convoluted alleys and you will realize you're in a unique place. Do not miss the sunset from the Roman Bridge over the Guadalquivir river. After that you won’t want to go to sleep.
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24 Sept.
Autofahrt von 145 Kilometer - 1h 53min
24 Sept.
13. Sevilla
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Über das Reiseziel: Seville has a special colour, this effervescent city is filled with captivating traditional architecture in colours of lemons, plums and oranges. The River Guadalquivir runs approximately north-south through Seville. Most of the city, including the old quarter of Barrio de Santa Cruz, is on the east bank, while the Barrio de Triana lies on the west bank. At midnight, impromptu singing, clapping and guitar playing fill bars and streets. By day, the diversity of the city’s heritage becomes apparent. The Romans, Moors, Catholic Spaniards, and now, hordes of tourists have all tried to claim Seville as their own. Indeed, Seville has never failed to spark the imagination of newcomers. From the street, the cathedral seems unimpressive; you must go inside to get some sense of its dimensions. Massive pillars support the vaulted roof, and the wealth of treasure is fabulous beyond belief. Another major sight of the city is La Giralda, which was the minaret of the Almohad mosque. From the top, there’s a fantastic view of the city across the barbed spires and buttresses of the roof. La Torre del Oro, a symbol of the city, originally covered in golden tiles, watches over the town as it has always done since 1220. Seville at night is wonderful, everything takes on a mystical air able to hypnotize and if you know how to live it, you will fall under its spell.
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26 Sept.
Autofahrt von 469 Kilometer - 4h 51min
26 Sept.
14. Lissabon
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Über das Reiseziel: Lisbon is known as the city of seven hills due to its location, the city spreads across steep hillsides that overlook the Rio Tajo. Romantic and cosmopolitan, the city presents its typical red roofs to the visitors that want to get to know its every inch. Lisbon surprises with its natural beauty and relaxed atmosphere. The Portuguese capital offers lots of museums, libraries, a huge port, churches and palaces and stunning views of the Rio Tajo Lisbon was considered a poor and chaotic city. Currently it has experienced a resurgence in the style of the XIV and XV centuries, when it was part of that vast empire stretching from Brazil to India. The reason for this was the World Expo held in 1998, a new bridge over the Tagus was built and the network of underground of the city was remodeled. The resurgence of the city then continued to host several matches during Euro in 2004, also held there the Delivery Music Awards (MTV) in 2005. Many of its most beautiful buildings date from the XIV and XV centuries, especially the ones located in the Belem district. There are also many buildings from the XVIII century, which are located mostly in the Baixa area of central Lisbon and were reconstructed almost completely after a devastating earthquake that hit the town in 1755. The historic center of the city, standing on Las Siete Colinas, presents steep streets and picturesque alleys. On the west side of the city, there is Monsanto Forest Park, Lisbon’s lung, with an area of 10 km and one of the largest in Europe. The capital’s majestic port has 3 docks commonly used for several cruises and it is, currently, the busiest port in the European Atlantic coast. Lisbon is a city with centuries of history and with an ambitious attitude, marrying the historic with the modern, the traditional with the cutting edge. Strolling through the old quarters one can hear the traditional Fado sung and played in small restaurants in town. In the hilltop district of Bairro Alto, dozens of restaurants and bars line the narrow streets, with jazz, reggae, electronica filling the air and revelers partying until dawn. Nightclubs scattered all over town make fine use of old spaces, whether on riverside docks or tucked away in 18th-century mansions. Lisbon presents itself to the world as a cosmopolitan and lively city, with alternative for every taste, especially in the summer months when its many bars, terraces and restaurants are crammed with people.
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26 Sept.
2 Nächte
28 Sept.
Autofahrt von 315 Kilometer - 3h 20min
28 Sept.
15. Porto
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Über das Reiseziel: Situated on a dramatic valley cut by River Douro, Porto is known for the beauty of its building and the sweet taste of is wine. The hub of the city is Avenida dos Aliados, a wide avenue encircle by Praça General H. Delgado and Praça da Liberdade. Nonetheless, the most alluring part of the city is Ribeira, the river district and a Unesco World Heritage Site, where three of Europe’s most graceful bridges span the gorge. Busy Praça da Liberdade and the adjoining Avenida dos Aliados make up the centre of town, where statues stand in the centre of busy mosaic walkways. Nearby rises Porto’s great cathedral, a colossal, fortified Romanesque structure whose heavy granite foundations, thick walls and tiny windows enclose a gloomy interior. The Ribeira stretches along the river, skirted by a wonderful quay filled with shops and restaurants. Porto’s most characteristic monument, the ornate Torre dos Clérigos, offers a panorama of the city from atop its 240 steps. No visit to Porto would be complete without a stop at some of the many bodegas, wine lodges, where port is stored and bottled. And a visit to the amazing Lello library with its spiral staircase, is a must see as well, even if you are not a Harry Potter’s fan.
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28 Sept.
2 Nächte
30 Sept.
Autofahrt von 230 Kilometer - 2h 37min
Santiago de Compostela
30 Sept.
16. Santiago de Compostela
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Über das Reiseziel: Since medieval times until this day, Santiago de Compostela is considered a major destination for pilgrims. This holy city was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. Situated in far northwestern Spain, 100km north of the Portuguese border, Santiago is the capital of the autonomous region of Galicia. The city harbors Spain’s most famous church. La Catedral is majestic, a harmonious melding of styles and eras beneath two soaring towers. Just inside the main entrance is the Pórtico de la Gloria, one of the outstanding ensembles of Romanesque sculpture in Europe. Near the cathedral, there is the Museo do Pobo Galego, museum of the Galician people, housed in the Monasterio de Santo Domingo, contains replicas of ancient Celtic ruins. Nearly half of Santiago’s population is made up of rowdy students itching to have a good time. Bars and pubs can be found throughout the medieval streets of the old town and along Calle Santiago de Chile. The nights have special light in the streets of Santiago de Compostela. The moonlight makes the town a timeless scenario where landmarks bring out the city’s most beautiful and nostalgic side. And for those looking for atmosphere, Santiago’s nights are eternal.
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30 Sept.
1 Nacht
01 Okt.
Autofahrt von 492 Kilometer - 5h 8min
Santiago de Compostela
01 Okt.
17. Santander
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Über das Reiseziel: Santander is an elegant port city which extends along the northern side of the handsome Bahía de Santander and it's a lively place with much to see and do. It is a deeply historical place full of wide streets, pleasing architecture and waterside restaurants. Santander’s most popular neighbourhood, El Sardinero, was once a very exclusive holiday spot for the wealthy. Nowadays it preserves a belle-époque elegance and its one of the most beautiful parts of the city, especially valued for its environmental quality and spectacular beaches. The Paseo de Pereda, with its typical houses with enclosed balconies, and its gardens constitutes a buoyant boulevard which separates the coastal strip from the historic quarter of Santander. The nearby Cathedral is one of the oldest buildings in the capital, its earliest construction dating from the 13th century. Under the main chapel is the crypt of El Cristo, a sombre vaulted chamber in which various traces of the Roman era were discovered. There are lots of reasons to like the bustling port city as its good city beaches, its numerous parks and gardens, its gastronomy and its history makes it the perfect gateway.
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03 Okt.
Autofahrt von 246 Kilometer - 3h 3min
03 Okt.
18. Biarritz
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Über das Reiseziel: Biarritz ist ein berühmtes Urlaubsziel im französischen Département Pyrénées-Atlantiques in der Aquitaine. Biarritz liegt am Golf von Biskaya, an der Atlantikküste, im Südwesten Frankreichs. Es grenzt an Bayonne und Anglet und 18 km von der Grenze zu Spanien entfernt. Biarritz verfügt über 6 km Strände und ist ein beliebtes Sommerurlaubsziel. Die Strände zeichnen sich durch feinen Sand und große Mengen an Seegras aus. Die Algen fügen dem Wasser Jod hinzu, von dem bekannt ist, dass es positive Auswirkungen auf den Körper hat. Diese gesunden Eigenschaften des Wassers sind der Grund für die Beliebtheit der Kurorte in Biarritz. WICHTIGSTE SEHENSWÜRDIGKEITEN La Grande Plage Der Grande Plage ist der Hauptstrand der Stadt, der bei Touristen und Einheimischen gleichermaßen beliebt ist. Früher war sie als "Côte des Fous" (Küste der Verrückten) bekannt, wegen der großen Anzahl von "kranken" Menschen, die wegen der Wohltat des Wassers kamen. Es befindet sich im Herzen von Biarritz, in der Nähe von Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Bars und Restaurants. Der Felsen der Jungfrau Der Felsen der Jungfrau ist über eine Brücke, die von Napoleon III. in Auftrag gegeben wurde, mit dem Festland verbunden. Die Brücke führt über das Wasser und teilweise durch den Fels, der ausgehöhlt wurde. Die Brücke ist als Eiffelbrücke bekannt, benannt nach dem Architekten Gustave Eiffel, dem gleichen Mann, der auch den Eiffelturm gebaut hat. Vom Ende des Felsens aus können Sie einige der besten Aussichten auf Biarritz genießen. An einem klaren Tag kann man sogar Berge des spanischen Baskenlandes sehen. Fischerhafen Dieser Hafen wurde 1870 für Küstenfischer gebaut. Heute sind die meisten Fischer verschwunden und was übrig geblieben ist, ist ein niedlicher kleiner Hafen, der hauptsächlich von Touristen besucht wird. Es gibt eine Reihe von Restaurants in den malerischen Fischerhäusern. Wenn Sie frischen Fisch oder Meeresfrüchte essen möchten, ist dies definitiv der beste Ort dafür.
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05 Okt.
Autofahrt von 387 Kilometer - 4h 18min
La Rochelle
05 Okt.
19. La Rochelle
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Über das Reiseziel: La Rochelle is a city in the province of Charente-Maritime, France. Being a maritime region, it has a rich and diverse history making it the second most popular region as a tourist destination in France.The Old Port is the oldest and also the most picturesque part of La Rochelle. Most of the town buildings are hundreds of years old and very well maintained. The narrow streets and pale stone buildings give the Old Port a distinctly Mediterranean quality. When visiting the Old Port you cannot fail to notice the three defensive towers, which guard the harbour. Port des Minimes is one of the biggest ports of pleasure boats in Europe. Be prepared to be blown away by the number of yachts in this enormous port. Also, visit the beach beside the port.La Rochelle is a lively place, full of good restaurants, frequent street entertainment and lots of little cafes.
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06 Okt.
Autofahrt von 297 Kilometer - 3h 9min
La Rochelle
06 Okt.
20. Blois
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Über das Reiseziel: Blois ist eine Stadt und die Hauptstadt des Departements Loir-et-Cher in Zentralfrankreich, gelegen am Ufer des unteren Flusses Loire zwischen Orléans und Tours. Château de Blois Das Château de Blois, ein Renaissance-Schloss, das einst von König Louis XII. bewohnt wurde, befindet sich im Zentrum der Stadt, und eine Steinbrücke aus dem 18. Jahrhundert überspannt die Loire. Da Blois auf einem Paar steiler Hügel erbaut wurde, führen gewundene und steile Wege durch die Stadt, die an verschiedenen Punkten in langen Treppen enden. Südlich der Stadt erinnert der Forêt de Russy an die dichten Wälder, die einst das Gebiet bedeckten. Das Haus der Magie La Maison de la Magie Robert-Houdin ist ein Museum, das sich gegenüber dem Château befindet. Als Museum von Frankreich ist es das einzige öffentliche Museum in Europa, das an einem Ort Sammlungen von Magie und einen Ort für dauerhafte darstellende Künste vereint und direkt die Persönlichkeit von Robert-Houdin widerspiegelt.
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07 Okt.
Autofahrt von 650 Kilometer - 7h 31min
Gesamtpreis Ab 3.180 €
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